
pile of open books

Best and Worst Literary Mothers

To celebrate this mother’s day, we thought we’d give a little twist to the traditional posts, and tell you about some of the best and worst literary mothers The Borough Press team have encountered! Suzie Best mother: Orleanna Price, The Poisonwood Bible I know I’m always banging on… Read More

BAME Open Submission Period

The Borough Press has teamed up with The Good Literary Agency to open submissions for un-agented BAME writers. The winner will receive a £10,000 publishing contract with The Borough Press, representation from The Good Literary Agency, and mentoring from Nikesh Shukla. The open submission, spearheaded by Assistant Editor Ore… Read More

Where We Like To Read

From sofa to the plane, from the bed to the train, team Borough talk best locations and conditions for delving into a good book…   I’ve recently moved house, which was the perfect excuse to buy The Sofa of My Dreams. It’s huge and squishy and perfect for reading… Read More

Favourites: Ore, Editorial Assistant

Novel of 2017 Stephen Florida by Gabe Habash. I pretty much inhaled this book. I physically could not put it down. I carried it off the train and walked with it open in my hands to the tube, and read it on the platform, and then again squashed between people… Read More